Friday, August 29, 2014

Working Towards Career in Acting

How to Start and Build Your Acting Career if You Don't Live in New York or Los Angeles

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Okay, you want to be an actor. But you don't live anywhere near New York or Los Angeles. It can still be done, and it's easier than you think.


  1. Scout out community theatre in your area. Odds are, if you are within 40 miles of a town big enough to have a chain grocery store such as Kroger or Albertsons (or even IGA), you are within reasonable driving distance of a community theatre. Community theatres don't always advertise very well, and many don't even have websites. They may be sponsored by schools, churches, or simply an organization trying to bring the arts into your area. Ask a drama instructor at a local college or high school, they will most certainly know of options.
  2. If you can't find a community theatre, organize your own. Most high schools will let you rent or borrow their auditoriums when they are not using them (i.e. in the summer). Post some bulletins, flyers, or even an ad on Craigslist.
  3. Find independent film-makers in your area - There is usually at least a budding independent film-maker (or at least someone with a $200 video camera who likes to call himself/herself one) making some kind of movies (usually short ones - 7 to 10 minutes). Independent film-makers can be found EVERYWHERE - it could be as simple as a visit to or Also, find out if local colleges and universities have film students, or even a film-making club or society. Odds are, even if they don't offer film production courses, they have some kind of film-making club on campus.
  4. Get your hands on as many stage plays as you can. At book stores and libraries look for complete plays (NOT just monologue books).
  5. Read books related to acting. Barnes & Noble, Borders, and most other chain book stores have at least a small performing arts section. Scout it out. Read plays - community theatre groups tend to favour plays by Shakespeare, Noel Coward, Tennessee Williams, and Neil Simon for some reason, so if you can become familiar with their works, it can't hurt...
  6. Get access to a video camera and a tripod if you can. It is best to buy your own, but if you can't do that, odds are, you know at least one person who has one. Videotape yourself rehearsing prepared monologues (prepared means "off-book" (memorized) and not reading from the script.) Post the videos on your YouTube page


  • Many colleges and universities have some kind of theatre or film program. Scout them out, and check the bulletin boards for auditions.
  • Be aware that community theatre does not usually pay anything, so you will have to have some means to support yourself while you build your résumé.


  • Never, ever pay to audition, no matter how promising it looks. It is almost always a scam.
  • Be patient with your family and friends, but don't let them disrespect you. Your family and friends may question how serious you are about acting, or even think you are completely insane. Let them think what they will, but don't ever feel like you have to completely give up on your dream just to appease them.
  • Don't quit your day job until you can afford to support yourself as an actor. Even many established actors in theatre and television often have other sources of income, either in the form of an occasional "day job" or "moonlighting", or investments.
  • Don't be too quick to throw in the towel if you are initially rejected from auditions. Directors don't necessarily reject people to be mean, or because the actor is bad. There is a lot of competition, and they can only cast so many people. You probably will not get the first role you audition for, or even the first few roles. Be persistent, audition often, and always be prepared and on time. Even if a director rejected you in the past, (s)he may accept you for another part in the future, so don't automatically avoid an audition because a director who is holding the audition rejected you previously.
  • Don't rule out the possibility of moving to a major production centre (New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Vancouver, or London) one day if it becomes feasible to do so. But beware when you get there that the rules are much different than they are in your home-town.

Things You'll Need

  • Self-determination
  • Most likely, a day job, at least for a while
  • Confidence

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